What Makes Human Beings Happy?

Hi all! Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing a few of the interviews and images from the new page I created Our Happiness Narrative. If you have a moment to like the page, I will be eternally grateful:


1). What is happiness?

“It’s like having a fullness of joy, complete joy.”

2). What was the happiest day of your life?

“Getting married.”

Below is a description of the page:

As someone who is fascinated by happiness research, I also wanted to share a new project and Facebook Page I have just developed known as Our Happiness Narrative, where I hope to share photos and interviews with people from various parts of the world, asking them how they define happiness and what the happiest time in their lives was. As I mention in the description I share below, this project is very much inspired by Humans of New York and my own Bucketlistories.

If you are interested in this type of page and have a moment to like the new page/help get it kick started I will be very grateful and happy to return the favor for any of your own pages or sites! 

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