

As someone who is constantly reading others’ bucket list blogs and articles about fun activities, places to go, or things to try, I’ve realized that there can never be too many new suggestions.

Because many of you have awesome recommendations on places to visit, things to do, activities to try, etc, I figured this page would be a great place where you can let us all know about them. I would love this page to function as a forum, where readers can respond to others’ suggestions as well.

Here are just some examples of stuff you might want to post here, but I’m open to any new ideas you may have as well:
– A neat website listing resources by state such as Fun New Jersey, which is an excellent site that lists various activities and places to go in New Jersey.

– A link to a blog post you’ve written about a fun experience or nice place such as that time you went swimming with stingrays or traveled to Alaska.

– A YouTube video about another bucket list blogger (or anyone, really) who tried something cool such as indoor skydiving.

– A list of items you’d like to cross off your bucket lists; other bloggers can comment on your post and discuss whether they’ve done some of them or not/give you advice based on their experiences.

– A unique restaurant you’ve been to.

– Interesting volunteering opportunities.

I would love this page to become a place bloggers can use as a resource if they are trying to find something fun to do and aren’t quite sure where to search or need ways to cross items off their lists and come here as a way to ask for assistance.

Please feel free to comment below if you’d like to describe a fun place you’ve been, are going to, an experience you’ve had, want to cross off your list, etc. I’d love it if you shared some links as well, or you can link back to your previous blog posts!

Happy sharing 🙂

124 Responses to Forum

  1. treyzguy says:

    First things first…move out of New Jersey
    Second….move out of New Jersey (unless you’re in Southern jersey)

  2. I’ve always wanted to go to Macy’s…I wish they had one in the UK! My friend went once, she said it was great!
    And I’ve always wanted to make tea for the Queen. I love a good cuppa too! I can picture myself, stirring a tea bag, pouring in the milk and using only the finest china cups! A nice little natter would be nice too. I’d discuss poetry with the Queen, and tell her of my fabulous (dream) adventures…

    Although the second one can’t really happen, there’s no harm in wishful thinking, eh?

    Great post, by the way. Nice idea!
    Regards, ZB

    • Aww, that’s too cute! If you ever come to the U.S. you will have to go to the Macy’s in New York City; that one has twelve levels 🙂 And lol too funny about making tea for the queen, but that would be a really neat one to cross off one’s bucket list! What’s ironic is it’s on my bucket list to simply visit the UK; it looks awesome there!

    • Sanshaine says:

      I read about a guy who broke into Buckingham Palace a couple of times and wandered around the corridors for a while. I think he had a chat with the queen before security found him 😀

  3. simonsimons says:

    Learn to ride a unicycle! 😛

  4. cait0506 says:

    Is Write the Book you were born to write on your list anywhere?? 😉

  5. kevinkidder says:

    Provide dignity to someone who would otherwise die without it.

    • That is a spectacular one to add to a bucket list 🙂

    • Ruth Amick says:

      As a person in the caregiving industry, and as a former caregiver for my parents and a father-in-law, this is a big one. Promising a dying person that you will be there to keep them safe, clean, comfortable and protected. Listening to them if they need to talk, being quiet when they are and just “being” there. Helping them to pass over in peace by telling them they have done the best they could do in life, and if they are ready, it is okay to leave. It is actually a beautiful, touching experience. I would like to volunteer to sit with people in hospitals, nursing homes or hospice who would otherwise be alone during this process.

      • Aww I think that is a really nice thing to be able to say you’ve done and I agree that it would be such a touching experience to sit with people who might not have someone there for them when they are in that situation. Good for you for having such a big heart and I’m sure all those people would appreciate having someone like you around to care for them.

  6. katyhancock says:

    This is my complete bucket list:

    I’m most excited to participate in the Polar Bear Plunge, but I’m going to have to wait a while before I can chill out.
    My favorite one I’ve done so far is run an official race. I’ll definitely be back for another!

  7. rudyoldeschulte says:

    Make your own pasta…

  8. yooshinate says:

    Great idea! Here is a link to my bucket list items:

    I also have vacation spotlights every now and then (my most recent post was about a trip to Peru, for anyone interested in traveling there: as well as some activity spotlights on new adventures that I’ve tried (ex. Snorkeling with manatees:

    Looking forward to reading about others’ experiences!

    • Thanks so much, and ahh I love all of those posts! I especially love the colored vs. non colored bucket list map; that is such a great idea! Your photos from Peru really make me want to visit there now 🙂

  9. asclepius444 says:

    Go on a ‘volunteer vacation’- there are thousands of them where you travel to a new place and spend the week volunteering in different ways

  10. cait0506 says:

    That’s one of mine! #2 actually! I have wanted to take a 3-week volunteer trip to Bagamoyo, Tanzania to work in the orphanage for years…just haven’t had the opportunity yet…someday! Great idea, asclepius444!

  11. warmsunshine says:

    Go on a hot air balloon ride–it is awesome!

  12. Ryan King says:

    Build your own house.

  13. Joe says:

    Have you ever thought about having your readers submit some of their bucket list items to be posted so that others might be able to either give them advice or assist them in achieving their dreams? One reason I say this is because I am an unpublished writer, working hard at my craft, and would love to hear how you got published.

    I think that it is one thing to hear about all the wonderful things people have done; but to actually help people reach their dreams would take you to a whole higher level.

    I love what you are doing here. The world needs more things like this.

    • I think that is a wonderful idea! When I first started off this blog I had a similar vision in mind of bloggers helping one another to cross things off their lists. I think your awesome suggestion could take this page in a really cool direction 🙂 I will definitely add that idea onto this page tonight (mentioning your blog of course!) so others might use the forum as a way to achieve their goals too. Thank you for your nice comment Joe!

      • Joe says:

        Thank you very much. My main goal is to help others in coping with life’s struggles. I have had to struggle with a great many adversities, and if I can help just one person along the way, then my life will be uplifted.

        Thanks again!

      • asclepius444 says:

        I totally love this idea too! Link around and spread the info so we can all work on it together- I’ve got my start of a bucket list on my blog already too and would looovvvveee to network with others!

  14. Help Me Help Holly ♥ says:

    Love this 🙂 I haven’t actually made a bucket list of my own but in my book Charlie and Pearl I had to write one for the main character and it really got me thinking about that I would put if I decided to make one. And then in April this year my beautiful mother passed away suddenly and without warning (her heart just stopped). It’s completely thrown my world and I find myself questioning things now. Like Life and the norm and what’s expected of us. I think it might be the right time for me to sit down and think about the things I want to accomplish. I can cross two major ones off already, having my baby girl Holly after fertility struggles, and self publishing my book in January this year. Great blog 🙂 x

    • I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It is so hard to loose someone you love suddenly. Hopefully all the beautiful memories you have of her will offer you some comfort during this difficult time. But I agree that now might be a good time to make a bucket list, as I’m sure your mom would love to see you accomplishing more great things like your baby daughter and your book. Congratulations on both amazing accomplishments 🙂 And now I am definitely going to check out your book; I just love that the main character has a bucket list. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and I can’t wait to read more of your posts!

  15. shelcluzo says:

    At age 65 I should really be starting to cross off bucket list items. It seems that items I ‘want’ cause me a lot of frustration and economic crunch anxiety. So I came up with a less stressful way to lead a meaningful yet fun filled life. If an opportunity presents itself, I invite myself and figure the money will be there. So far I’ve gone on a ‘free’ zipline, a carpool to Gates of the Mountains, Montana boat tour, many Allegiant flights (discounts galore), and music and dancing when Bozeman has Summer Music on Main and art strolls. (70-80 degrees) The church has many volunteer trips for youth and next year I may join them in Belize as an adult chapperone!

    • I think that’s an awesome idea! I agree that some bucket list items can get pretty expensive, so I think it’s a wonderful habit to start saying yes to things if the opportunity presents itself 🙂 Traveling to Belize would be so cool and I hope you get to do that as well; it sounds like you’ve already had some great experiences!

  16. mdog32 says:

    Here’s my 2013 Bucket List, good luck with yours! I’m with Asclepius444, I would love to see what others are doing, I’m starting to run out of ideas.

    • I love your list, especially because I enjoy things that require daily maintenance such as the 365 blog posts, the jar, or the making a new food item every month 🙂 I agree that it would be so neat to find ways to help each other and see what everyone else is doing too!

  17. ula77 says:

    This is a really good idea :)) I recently completed 2 weeks of volunteer work at a stroke association and had an amazing experience (which I wrote about on my blog: I’m planning to do much more volunteer work as this is very fulfilling and so much fun! 🙂

  18. mamamlk says:

    Do the sky jump off the Stratosphere in Las Vegas. It’s a controlled fall off the building. 108 stories I believe. I loved it!! BUT…while I got some amazing pictures of us doing it durin the day….Id recommend doing it at night so you can see the Las Vegas strip!

    It was my first step to skydiving.

  19. Thank you for your truly enthusiastic and inspiring blogging. Recommendation 1) Have a bucket list, when you put words to it, it happens, 2) See the wonders of nature; our wonderful and and weird world; makes you want to take better care of it. Strange/beautiful places crossed off my bucket list aka to live list:'s_Causeway

    • Thank you for such kind words 🙂 All of those places look absolutely beautiful and that is so neat you have been to them! The cave looked especially neat. Thank you for sharing such wonderful places and I hope to get to them someday!

  20. Aequitus says:

    In 2007 I was living in a house with several roommates and I organized the June of Fun, where I endeavored to do at least one fun thing each day. There were opening and closing ceremonies. Around that time I started a Facebook group called Random Acts of Silliness. Here is the list I compiled at the time of fun things:

  21. k.elizabeth says:

    Volunteer with a mentoring program such as Big Brothers Big Sisters. It’s fun and you can really make a difference!

    • I’ve always wanted to try to do a Big Sisters program! It seems like it would be such an awesome experience 🙂

      • k.elizabeth says:

        I would definitely recommend it! I volunteered with the program in London (Ontario, Canada), for three years until I had to move. The chapter in London asks volunteers to commit to seeing their ‘Little’ once a week for at least a year. I think that requirement deters a lot of people because they worry they won’t be able to make the commitment, but I always found the program manageable. It’s sad because the wait list can become extremely long. My Little Sister for example, has been waiting to be re-matched for nearly three years. I definitely encourage you to get involved!

      • Wow, that is so cool that you were there for three years! And I think once a week is the perfect amount of time 🙂 That is really sad about the wait list, so I’m glad you brought this one up; it seems so cool!

      • k.elizabeth says:

        I’m glad you started the conversation. I love your blog.

      • Aww thanks so much :)!

  22. Love this idea! And everyone’s ideas!! I do something called My Brother’s Keeper near Christmas, we pick a family to chose gifts for, go through all donated items (through the giving tree) & wrap them for the family & put it in a santa bag!! Another one is bringing teddy bears to the Hospital on Christmas eve (for kids who might not be able to go home for Christmas) We brought ours to the Pediatric ward & the kids loved it! Some little siblings that were visiting got one too! 🙂
    There is my 30-before-30 bucketlist. Not too creative with many more ideas! Hehe. Great blog! Keep it coming 🙂

    On 30 before 30!

    • Aww I absolutely love both of those ideas 🙂 That must have been so fun bringing the teddy bears to the kids on Christmas and I’m sure they really appreciated it! I’m going to check out your bucket list now! Thanks so much for your nice comment!

  23. Theskinnyfatgirl says:

    I don’t know if you only post things related to the USA? (I’m from England) but I went travelling solo in Australia last summer for 5 months. Suffering from a 6 year battle with an eating disorder which brings with it depression and anxiety, I think doing something you’d NEVER ever do will definitely make you proud of yourself, even if all you ever do – like me, is self loath. Here’s a link to my blog that I wrote whilst I was out there.

    Best trip was FRASER ISLAND. That’s a MUST if you’re on the East Coast of Australia!!

    • Hi! Nope, I def don’t only post things related to the U.S. 🙂 I welcome content and suggestions from all over! I agree that doing something you’ve never done before really makes you proud of yourself; I know I’ve felt the same way after trying new things. Fraser Island looks absolutely beautiful and I would love to travel to Australia someday. I’m really glad to hear that your trip was so beneficial, as I would love to try and travel alone sometime. I am going to check out your post now!

  24. feedsandfun says:

    I recently completed an item on my bucket list! A trip to Tuscany Italy! Check it out at Thanks for following Christine.

  25. Simple ones really –
    Move to New Zealand (I’m in the UK)
    Realise what I want to do in life and do it
    oh and I have a new one now * ^^ those are life long ones I’ve had * tour USA haha.. I have a few friends there now and they make me want to experience the place 🙂

  26. Sadie Mae says:

    Hi PLTL,

    Thanks for following me!
    What a great site you have here – love the concept.
    I work full time (travel an hour each way to the office) and I volunteer with animals. Because of my work hours, my husbands shift rotation and, the fact that one of my little puppy-mill rescues has a teeny bladder and needs to be let out within a certain window of time, I can’t commit to same time every day/week tasks. So, I came up with something that would benefit the animals and work with my availability: I go once a week, camera in hand to two different shelters and take photos of the cats for their profiles. Here’s another way that I try to help. This idea I would like to suggest to your followers – when you have as little as ten minutes to spare, go online to kijiji or craigslist and check out the postings under ‘pets, to give or donate.’ If you see a match (someone looking/someone surrendering), copy/paste contact info. to them (you’d be surprised at how many people post without checking to see if what they’re looking for is on there). Also, if you see anything worrysome, please report it! I once saw a post for a man going away for work, looking for someone to ‘share’ his dog during that time. I contacted him and it turns out he was debating surrendering the dog as he couldn’t afford to care for him. I suggested he speak with a few local shelters and try to get him into foster care and allow the shelter to find a good fit (new home) for his dog. Other suggestions for volunteering with animals: dog walking – there are so many dogs and few volunteers so often times, the dogs don’t get to work out their energy and when people come to meet them they are meeting a dog that is completely different to the true identity of the dog! Just one 20 minute walk would make a huge difference to a dog. Cat cuddling! Again, 20 minutes here and there can help a shy cat come out of their shell and connect with someone that comes in looking to adopt a feline friend. Administration and computer work is another area that volunteers can make a huge difference.

    Thank you for letting me share. Hmmmmm, I feel like I hogged your page. Perhaps I should copy this to a post on my page too. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Sadie at

    • Hi Sadie,

      Thank you so much for your awesome comment 🙂 You gave some great suggestions about help for animals that I especially like because they are so easy to do. I also like the idea about Craigslist and think that’s really cool you got to help out and find a new home for that man’s dog. I used to walk my neighbor’s dogs when I was younger and it was so much fun. So glad I found your blog and let us know if you have any other great suggestions! I look forward to reading more of your posts!

  27. habannah says:

    Well, I’ve got a few bucket lists of my own over at, but this page seems like the perfect place to make known my desire to learn to juggle 😉 I’ve been half-heartedly “practising” for about 5 years now, so I’d really like to just buckle down and do it!

  28. paytonjade says:

    My bucket list is filled with travel. One I was able to cross off my list a few weeks ago includes Portugal. Check out my article for some tips. I also have other articles on various other cities.

  29. Yesenia...o_O says:

    Love your blog, I find you to be quite inspirational!! If it weren’t because you checked my channel I would’ve never discovered what a bucket list is. I will definitely start my own or do some that are listed here. First thing in my bucket list: create a bucket list. Thank you!!…o_O

  30. KyraManalac says:

    Hmm, I’d like to stop someone from jumping off a building. Like, you know, in the movies… 😉 Hahaha!

  31. Topaz says:

    My suggestion for bloggers (If you don’t have a blog, you can start one!) is to write a stranger that you have come across online. For instance, I ran across a lady who just started a blog to deal with the sudden suicide of her beautiful daughter. My purpose in blogging about her and providing a link was so that people could read about her pain and send prayer and positive thoughts to her. I feel like I’m pimping my own stuff, but, anyway, here is what I did:

  32. samokan says:

    I always wanted to watch a real drag show ( did I spell that correctly ?).
    I’ve done paragliding, just a short one, and it was awesome.
    I want to see the world under the water/ocean so diving but first I need to learn how to swim 🙂
    how about water sport like dragon boat, regatta or kayak?

    karaoke with a costume? , I wore an anime one, and it was fun 🙂

    and of course my biggest one would be to build the biggest library I could and make it accessible to everyone in my country. 🙂

    • These are all amazing suggestions 🙂 I also think watching a drag show would be pretty interesting, haha. They have one at my school, but I’ve never gotten a chance to go! Paragliding would be so cool & I love any water sports, along with reading! Let me know if you ever build the library and I’ll be sure to be the first customer! Lol

  33. Try teaching English overseas for a year. And also come to Lisbon and visit!

  34. jonoboyle says:

    For all hard working kind women in the world: just like me Mum, bless her soul. Nice blog (nice being a shit word as my teachers used to say), perhaps I would be better and braver to say: divine. Best of luck in life.x

    So Subtle
    by jonoboyle
    So Subtle, she weaves and spins her domagne
    Fine strands strung together for her to contain
    She scrabbles in circles to spell out her name
    So she can catch her meal, and begin her short reign

    Scurrying along, silk strings, such contriv~al
    Her spiralling strands spell out her survival
    Such grace in design her attempts are revival
    Since yesterday’s synthesis was rain soaked liable

    So Subtle she’s strong and dreams just to sit
    In stillness and warmth while waiting for the flit
    For a honeyed and hapless fly of no wit
    Which shortly shall stop beating its bit.

    Why, Subtle she binds her lunch by the feet
    Her majesty, her art, solely so she can eat!
    A thousand strings shining silver ~ so neat.
    Surround her soft shape, will catch Kaleidoscopic meat!

  35. The Dreamer says:

    Hey so I added my list to my blog thanks to your inspiration! I ended up taking some of your ideas too.

  36. sheachu says:

    A very interesting and atypical place to volunteer, or even just to visit for an eye-opening experience, is Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles. Volunteering there really changed my life for the better and led me to start a blog about my experience there.
    My blog is very new so reading yours has really inspired me and given me great ideas for my future blogging so thank you!

  37. showmeashley says:

    This is awesome. I started blogging about my deployment bucket list for this deployment round, and saw that you followed my blog.

    So I clicked back and got lost in all your wonderful posts. Amazing blog. Love it, definitely inspiring. I really enjoy reading your stories, and others.

    I have changed my website since though, if you want to come follow my new site for my journey 😀

  38. stylepiranha says:

    Heyy….I got to know that u chkd my blog. I chkd urs..nw as suggested I wud like to share my blog url here..hw do I do it?

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