

1. St. Martin

2. Italy

3. Ireland

4. Norway

5. Denmark

6. Australia

7. France

8. New Zealand

9. England

10. Greece

11. Puerto Rico

12. Antigua 

13. Anguilla

14. United Arab Emirates (Dubai)

15. Vatican City

United States:

1. Alabama

2. Alaska

3. Arizona

4. Arkansas

5. California

6. Colorado

7. Connecticut

8. Delaware

9. Florida

10. Georgia

11. Hawaii

12. Idaho

13. Illinois

14. Indiana

15. Iowa

16. Kansas

17. Kentucky

18. Louisiana

19. Maine

20. Maryland

21. Massachusetts

22. Michigan

23. Minnesota

24. Mississippi

25. Missouri

26. Montana

27. Nebraska

28. Nevada

29. New Hampshire

30. New Jersey

31. New Mexico

32. New York:

33. North Carolina

34. North Dakota

35. Ohio

36. Oklahoma

37. Oregon

38. Pennsylvania

39. Rhode Island

40. South Carolina

41. South Dakota

42. Tennessee

43. Texas

44. Utah

45. Vermont

46. Virginia

47. Washington

48. West Virginia

49. Wisconsin

50. Wyoming

116 Responses to Travel

  1. mindsostrong says:

    Good idea! I want to post a list like this somewhere!

  2. cmeboutique says:

    Love this. I have a list… somewhere. If you travel to Vegas, give us a wave. 😀

  3. I am in Alabama and an hour and a half from Nashville, Tennessee. Let me know when you plan to visit, I will show you around. There is also a place to skydive close by. I would love to do it but have no one here brave enough to do it with me!!!

  4. Sri Lanka! You wouldn’t want to leave 🙂 x

  5. CC says:

    I love your blog it is awesome!!! I am good ole Albuquerque New Mexico. It’s a lot of desert but there are some pretty cool sites to see. Need any suggestions let me know.

  6. Super! On my ‘to do’ list going new places is high on the list, too!
    When you visit Denmark, just ask for tips and come for a tour of my ‘hood.

  7. francoalan says:

    How about the best country in the world: MEXICO!!!… Thanks for the follow. 🙂

  8. Loca Gringa says:

    Add DR to your list honey!

  9. Had to borrow this idea! It will work wonderfully with our pilgrimage.

  10. OMG… Canada! You have to add Canadian Canada is awesome and friendly. And India…. I am in India right now, it’s definitely a life experience.

  11. dfrantz1953 says:

    When you go to Italy, I can give you lots of suggestions! My favorite city is Florence! Oh, and when you come to Texas try San Antonio or Austin. Both awesome cities. Not sure you will find a mechanical bull there though … we do have them in Texas.

  12. This is a fantastic idea! I love your blog – so many great ideas, so little time!

  13. Awesome, that would be great! Any advice (and comments) would be appreciated! I’ve been wanting to get started for a long time and finally got the nerve to dive right in.

  14. Chelsea says:

    Hey, I can relate! I also love to travel! If you are thinking about New Zealand, try out They are who I traveled with and it was well worth it! I got to cross tons of activities off of my bucket list while also volunteering. It was a great experience!

  15. sarahfoto says:

    If you’re headed for Denmark you might as well go to Sweden to, or just skip Denmark and go straight here 😉

  16. renobarb says:

    Hi! Thanks for following my blog. Looking at your amazing blog, I surmise that you may be a Jersey girl. We used to live near Atlantic City before moving to the Sierras. I do miss the beach, but the mountains have their own charms. You should add the British Virgin Islands to your travel wish list–you could do your sailing adventure there.

    Good luck with your adventures.

    • You’re welcome and thank you for your nice comment 🙂 But I would definitely love to visit those! I’ve been to Anguilla, which is a British territory in the islands lol. I agree that those would be a great place for sailing!

  17. Cool idea. I wrote a blog post about my remaining 7 states but I might make such a list myself. Good luck and have fun in achieving these goals

  18. You should add Germany, Austria, or Switzerland to your list. I promise visiting those countries would not let you down. They are so beautiful and charming!

  19. hamnered says:

    West Virginia and Australia – 2 of the most beautiful places you can ever be. Luckily I’ve had the opportunity to call both home! I can make many recommendations once you get there. Good luck (:

  20. It’s nice to see that the UK made it to your list! Make sure you travel a lot within the country and don’t just stick to London though! There’s so much to be seen in the North and Southwest counties especially, gorgeous landscapes!

    I don’t think that there is even a single country on this Earth that I would not want to visit, no matter the culture shock or distance in travel! The middle east and latin america are high on my bucket list!

  21. Bugburrypond says:

    How funny, I was *just* thinking about bucket lists 😀

  22. A guy I sat next to on a Southwest Airlines flight from Albuquerque to Chicago asked if I had a pen. I pulled one out and handed it over. He started coloring in the the US map on the back of the cocktail napkin. I asked, out of curiosity, if those were the states he had visited. He said, no, ones in which he had lived. Very few states were left unmarked. I don’t care to move that much, but I now do the same for states I have visited. Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, and the Dakotas remain unmarked. Someday, I will get them all.

  23. strongphotoau says:

    Thanks for following the Blog, if you find your way to australia, be sure to let me know, i’d love to hook you up with an amazing glamour session.

  24. vozey says:

    I want to go to Turkey and see Derinkuyu, the underground city. One of these days…

  25. Nelandir says:

    Hmm… seems we share affinity for Scandinavia.. though I’d move Norway and Denmark on top 😀

  26. nirbhayasindia says:

    No India? No Himalayas? No mountains? No Nepal? Hmmm now here we differ. . .

  27. Joanne says:

    Love the lists! Thank you so much for following my blog – am enjoying yours – promise me if you ever get to Australia you’ll visit the red center and Uluru! 🙂

  28. christopferg says:

    I’m going to PR next year which part did you visit

  29. Lisa Sterling says:

    Hi, I don’t know if you have ever heard of it but my wife and I went on a Contiki tour called the Greek island hopping tour. We have traveled to many places, but there is something absolute, yet other worldly about this place. I would highly recommend making Greece your next trip.

  30. Such a great idea! I’ve been blessed to have traveled around this country but have never created a list. Maybe i should? If you ever make it to cali or ariazona let me know… many hidden treasures I could show you.

  31. If you come to Michigan, come visit Grand Rapids!! I might know some cool things to do 🙂

  32. We are pretty lucky DownUnder. Life is so laid back, the country is beautiful and our animals are cute! One of your bucket list destinations you should aim to cross off soon. Let me know when you arrive and I’ll buy you a drink. Oh ….. did I mention the people are really friendly? Xx

  33. ariellepaige says:

    This is a great idea! Do you mind if I add a page to my blog of my travel bucket-list too?!

  34. Pingback: NEW stuff I gotta share | Explore Newness

  35. Hi Christine, thank you so much for deciding to follow my blog! I love the interviews that you’ve staged so far, and I think it’s a really cool idea that you have asked so many strangers what’s on their bucket lists. I hope when you graduate college you try to take a year off to travel before you start work/graduate school. I would also suggest that if you come to Europe you give yourself a month or two to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain. The concentration of fascinating people–many whom have realized that life is too short to be lived in a conventional manner–is incredible. Cheers from the road.

  36. dinar09 says:

    🙂 add Kelantan, Malaysia! You’ll love it..

  37. dinar09 says:

    🙂 add Kelantan, Malaysia! 🙂

  38. clware13 says:

    I enjoy seeing someone else’s travel list. . . as I tick one off my list, others seem to appear.
    Thanks for following my blog too!

  39. I dont see India on your list! Must add. And when you do decide to visit, I will make a local bucket-list for you! btw, loved ur blog, and the idea behind it. 🙂

  40. naekmv says:

    Hope you can make your way to Asia! Tons of fun, I promise 🙂

  41. Anne says:

    Christine, I love this idea and your blog! I did something similar a few years back, called the Day Zero Project, but I didn’t blog back then. You may have inspired me to try it again. 😉

    Also, I see that Indiana is on your list. If you’re ever headed this way, let me know. I’d be happy to tell you some of the best places in Indiana to visit. 🙂

    • Thank you so much! The Day Zero Project sounds like an awesome name for a project and definitely let me know if you re-incorporate it into your blog 🙂 I’ll be sure to let you know if I visit Indiana!

  42. ruralstudies says:

    Hey Christine, You’ve got a very engaging blog! Thanks for alerting me to it – it’s great to see the mix of material, fun and inspiring…doubly so, because…. oh so long ago, I did some journalism then went back to school & graduated with a major in English – at bachelor’s and master’s level – (at the Ph.D. level, I went to history with outside field of English) … so of course it’s SO cool to see that another person is getting set to graduate with a great renaissance mix of interests! In touch again soon 🙂

  43. ANooP says:

    Hello Christine,

    Thank you for passing by my blog, and yes I am also following you and your adventures.

    I see that you have striked out the place I live too. Hope you had a happy stay here.

    Keep roaming 😛


  44. I love your blog! You definitely NEED to add Spain to the list!

  45. Tori says:

    What a cool blog. I have loved poking around 🙂 you seem like a wonderful person, and I love your idea of a bucket list for kind acts!

    I am so happy that you stumbled upon my blog and thank you so much for the follow!! I am looking forward to watching you cross items off of your list and grow as a person. I wish you only the best!


    PS — add Iceland to this list, girl!

  46. eleigh1214 says:

    Wow! thanks for the follow 🙂 might have to copy your idea and write all the states i’ve been to on my bucket list because i want to see them all!

  47. Thanks for following! A lot of these amazing places are on my bucket list too – hope to make it to them someday. Happy travels!

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