Leave Flowers on a Stranger’s Doorstep


Unless the person/family looked out the window at a delusional girl wearing a flowered dress, along with a gigantic sunhat and sunglasses, one random person/family received a bouquet of flowers from someone they may or may not ever see in real life. I’d been wanting to cross this item off my “Kind Acts and Volunteering” bucket list for a while now and decided that the other day was the day to do it.

To prepare, I made sure to put on a flowery dress, and, to add to how strange that sounds, I brought a big hat and sunglasses to add to the anonymity of the act. At the supermarket, I found what I think was a colorful bouquet of flowers for only $5. Although the price was cheap, I figured that no matter what the price, people would still enjoy receiving free flowers.

Before I had left for the store I had written a note to leave on the flowers (you can read it in the photos above), to ensure that an angry husband or wife wouldn’t accuse one another of being unfaithful and to make them aware of my summer bucket list project in the hopes that one day they will start their own or pass on a kind act. I made sure to put in the note that if they are not “plant people,” they should please pass the flowers on to a loved one or close friend. Unfortunately, in today’s world, some people may still be suspicious and throw the flowers out, but I hope that in this case, the family, couple, individual, etc, was able to enjoy them.

From the supermarket, I drove farther down the road for about ten minutes and found what I think was the perfect area. The houses were in what I felt was a private enough area/set back enough so that someone driving by wouldn’t steal the flowers (not that I think many people are flower thiefs). I walked to a house where there was a car to ensure people lived there and that was far enough from the main road, just to add to the aspect of mystery again. I grabbed the flowers, put on my hat and sunglasses (I know, I’m a weirdo), quickly walked up to the house, left the flowers, and walked away as quickly as I could.

Although I may never know who received them, it was so much fun doing this bucket list item and it’s also exciting imagining the looks on their/his or her face when they open the door. My one error was that I couldn’t remember whether the price tag was on a sign above the flowers at the store or on the actual flowers; if it was on the actual flowers, it means I left the price tag on, but even if they were cheap, who can turn down free flowers?

So have any of you done a similar act or have something similar on your bucket lists? I’d love to hear from you guys!

I just want to remind everyone that there is an exciting August giveaway going on right now, so please either check out the “August Giveaway” page or the post below this one to learn more about the prizes you can win!

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150 Responses to Leave Flowers on a Stranger’s Doorstep

  1. miasnotes says:

    I can’t believe I just found your blog… I love this idea. You’ve restored my hope and optimism in people. Thank you Christine! Virtual hugs

  2. Tania Knows Best says:

    Reblogged this on Tania Knows Best and commented:
    Another example of RAOK: Random Acts Of Kindness…

  3. You never know who is having a bad day and to come home to flowers could stop someone from pursuing something detrimental. This random act of kindness could be the reason we all wake up to see another day tomorrow.

  4. rhyiagibbons says:

    Reblogged this on The hipster life of Rhyia… and commented:
    I love this and I’m totally doing this next week (:

  5. This is a beautiful idea! We could all use a little extra love and a few more acts of kindness in our lives.

  6. Thanks for following my blog. I can certainly use more positivity in my life, and your blog’s chock full of that!

  7. Excellent idea to leave the note with the flowers! That could have been REALLY awkward if you had forgot that! You have a really nice blog, keep it up!

  8. Margo Blue says:


  9. joyfulrd says:

    Wow, you just made my day reading this! you are an incredible person!

  10. KraftedKhaos says:

    This is awesome 🙂

  11. What a beautiful, kind gesture from a good soul! It’s so refreshing. For the past 4.5yrs I’ve sent my Great-Grandma a card in the post every week. I was moving away and tired of seeing her receive window faced envelopes (aka bills) in the post so, after raiding all the newsagents across town I came up with the idea to print out photos I’ve taken throughout my travels etc and stick a stamp on the back with some text. She loves them and it makes her journey to the post box that much more exciting.

  12. restlessjo says:

    Good to know there are so many nice (if a little crazy 🙂 ) people in the world. Many thanks for following.

  13. Elizabeth Krall says:

    It would never have occurred to me to do this. Good for you!

  14. roysaurav says:

    Hi Thanks for following my blog, which led me to read yours :).

    I absolutely loved this idea and will definitely try this… Keep up the good work 🙂

  15. Pingback: Committing Kindness – A Father’s Love | Free, Fun or Interesting

  16. Heather says:

    Love this idea! The world would be a better place if we were all a little kinder to each other :-).

  17. Love it, love it, love it! This a great story and a unique idea on how to make a deposit into the lives of others.

  18. Pingback: Smiling at Strangers – it’s great to be good! | Emily Meets World

  19. Pingback: 4 Real-Life Skills I’ve Learned From Blogging - AfterCollege

  20. Keep up the great work !

  21. themissx says:

    Thanks for following my blog!

  22. Pingback: Kind Acts Bucket List | Turquoise Compass

  23. When I lost my job in 2010, my next door neighbor heard about it through the grapevine. A few days later I was standing at the glass storm door looking outside when I saw her drive into her driveway. Her youngest grand daughter got out of the car and trotted over to my door. In her hands she carried a bouquet of bright Tulips! I opened my door, she handed them to me and said, “these are for you”. Then she ran back home. Just that simple, no other words necessary. How wonderful it was to know that someone cared about how I was feeling!

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